Films and Stories on Zoroastrianism for
Intellectual and Spiritual Enlightenment


Films on Global Council of Zoroastrians Trust

GCZT: Uniting Hearts, Transforming Lives

Global Council of Zoroastrians Trust

GCZT – Testimonial Video

Films on Basic Teachings of Zoroastrian Religion

Life of a Legendary Holy Man Zarathushtra

The Eternal Flame Journey of  Zoroastrians from Iran to India

Valleys of Peace

Gifts of Parsi Merchants to Timeless India

Basic teachings on Religious Rites.

Kasti is the basis of the devotional life of a Zoroastrian.

The usage of Sadra Kasti is millennia old and predates prophet Zarathushtra. References to it occur in the Avesta scriptures as well as Pahlavi, Pazand, Persian and Sanskrit literature.

It was first conceived and worn by King Jamshed around 8,000 B.C.E. He was inspired by Sarosh Yazad to tie the Kasti so that he could be protected from evils and motivated to do good works.

King Minocheher (c.7,000 B.C.E) also wore the Sadra Kasti.

Prophet Zarathushtra (c. 6,500 B.C.E.) asked his father for his Kasti as the heirloom of Mazdayasni belief system.

The Sadra-Kasti are implements necessary to perform the Kasti Ritual. A Sadra and Kasti is worn after the Navjote by a Zoroastrian child all throughout life.  It is a reminder to follow the right path and be moderate.

How to do the Kasti Ritual

Coffee Table Books

Zarathushtra & the Origins of Zoroastrianism

Sumptuously illustrated, ‘Zarathushtra and the Origins of Zoroastrianism – Exploring the Historical, Social, Cultural and Entrepreneurial Legacy’ focuses on the life and times of thePersian Prophet ‘Spitaman Zarathushtra’ or ‘Zoroaster’ as called by the Greeks and other aspectsrelating to Zoroastrianism. His teachings of a belief in one God – ‘Ahura Mazda,’ rose toprominence when the worship of a pantheon of deities was popular in Iran. Scholars perceiveadebt to Zoroastrianism in the creation of one Supreme God. For its scope, beauty, and relevance in today’s world, this unparalleled book is destined tobecome a lasting keepsake. Newcomers as well as devoted Zoroastrians will both appreciatethisvolume that offers learning on various aspects of the religion which is over three millennia old.

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My Golden Book on Zoroastrianism

Proper knowledge of Zoroastrian religion is essential for the development of our faith and its joyful practices.

‘My Golden Book on Zoroastrianism’ is an elegant volume that contains frequently asked question and answers on Zoroastrianism. The story starts from the ancient past and moves on to the present era. The contents have been prepared after endless hours of spadework, research and review of several books written by internationally renowned Zoroastrian scholars. My special thanks to Dr. Ramiyar Karanjia, Khojeste Mistree and Firoza Punthakey Mistree for their support to this project. The information is quite detailed and will satiate the knowledge and understanding of Zoroastrians both living in India as well as those beyond the seas.

All Zoroastrians are encouraged to share this information with their family members and friends, who are bearers of this ancient faith. Similarly, Teachers who conduct religion classes on ‘Zoroastrianism’ in India and overseas, are encouraged to include this information in their syllabus for children.

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